Books to Read · This Modern Life

How Romance Saved My 2020 Reading Life (And Then Some)

2020 is going down as the year of constant distraction. Well, among other things. For many of us, the difficulty of being stuck home through lockdown and the subsequent months of unending, ongoing “quarantine” has been made so much worse by an inability to pay attention to one thing. Namely, to books! I think in… Continue reading How Romance Saved My 2020 Reading Life (And Then Some)

This Modern Life · Writing Life

Don’t Hate the Side-Hustle

The side-hustle is getting a lot of grief these days. Having a side-gig is getting blamed for everything from millennial burn-out to the accusation that we’re turning our hobbies into jobs because of online/offline peer pressure (and thus hating our hobbies for being our jobs). And while it’s true the entrepreneurial mood right now is… Continue reading Don’t Hate the Side-Hustle